Doctor Who: Chronicles Issue 2: 1975
The Chronicles series examines the landmark years of Doctor Who’s history in unprecedented detail. 1975 was Tom Baker’s first full year as the Doctor and features a highly regarded run of stories: Robot, The Ark in Space, The Sontaran Experiment, Genesis of the Daleks, Revenge of the Cybermen, Terror of the Zygons, Planet of Evil, Pyramids of Mars and The Android Invasion. This bookazine includes rare images and all-new features, including a summary of the most significant events in the Doctor Who universe, how Doctor Who was reported in the press, insights into special effects and production techniques, overviews of each serial and more.
- Release date: 16 Jun 2021
- Product type: Bookazine
- Age: 12+
- Binding: Perfect Bound
- Available for delivery to the following countries: United Kingdom, Gibraltar, Ireland
- Shipped from: UK