ROSE Rose Tyler is an ordinary girl living an ordinary life. But when the department store where she works is invaded by Autons, her life is turned upside-down. She meets an extaordinary man called the Doctor and so begins the trip of a lifetime... THE END OF THE WORLD The Doctor takes Rose to the year 5 billion. The great and the good have gathered on Platform One to witness the destruction of the Earth. But one of the guests is secretly sabotaging the space station... THE UNQUIET DEAD In Cardiff 1869, the dead are not staying dead. With a little help from Charles Dickens, the Doctor and Rose discover that the gaseous Gelth have come through a Rift in time and are seeking to inhabit the bodies of the dead...
- Release date: 3 Feb 2016
- Product type: Partwork
- Age: 14+
- Binding: Perfect Bound
- Available for delivery to the following countries: United Kingdom, Gibraltar, Ireland
- Shipped from: UK