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THE RINGS OF AKHATEN On a distant world, Clara meets Merry Gejelh, the Queen of Years, who must sing to keep a god from waking. But it is a sacrifice, not a song, that is required... COLD WAR On board a Russian submarine, an Ice Warrior is revived, and despite the Doctor's warnings, the crew go on the offensive. HIDE The Doctor and Clara arrive at Caliburn House in 1974. A house that is haunted. Inside, a ghost hunter and a psychic are looking for the legendary Witch of the Well... JOURNEY TO THE CENTRE OF THE TARDIS When the TARDIS is taken as salvage by the van Baalen brothers, Clara becomes lost in its depths and the Doctor must find her before the ship's engines explode, destroying them all.
  • Authors: Not defined
  • Release date: 17 Aug 2016
  • Product type: Partwork
  • Age: 14+
  • Binding: Perfect Bound
  • Available for delivery to the following countries: United Kingdom, Gibraltar, Ireland
  • Shipped from: UK
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Free delivery when you spend £20 - on orders sent from a single warehouse to a UK addressFree delivery when you spend £20 - on orders sent from a single warehouse to a UK address