THE ELEVENTH HOUR After crash-landing the TARDIS on Earth, a regenerated Doctor and his new friend Amy Pond have less than 20 minutes to save the world from the Atraxi and find the Doctor a new outfit. Prisoner Zero has escaped... THE BEAST BELOW Amy Pond's first trip in the TARDIS takes her to the twenty-ninth century and the vast Starship UK. But the vessel holds dark secrets deep beneath its corridors and walkways - and the Doctor is forced to make an impossible choice. VICTORY OF THE DALEKS The Doctor receives a call from an old friend - Winston Churchill. When he and Amy head to the WWII Cabinet War Rooms to assist the British Prime Minister, they meet the Daleks. But why don't the Daleks recognise the Doctor?
- Release date: 2 Aug 2017
- Product type: Partwork
- Age: 14+
- Binding: Perfect Bound
- Available for delivery to the following countries: United Kingdom, Gibraltar, Ireland
- Shipped from: UK