INFERNO A top-secret drilling project is on the verge of penetrating the Earth's crust. A trip to an alternative reality gives the Doctor a glimpse of the catastrophe that will be unleashed. TERROR OF THE AUTONS The Time Lord renegade known as the Master arrives on Earth to pave the way for an invasion by the Nestenes. THE MIND OF EVIL The Doctor and Jo investigate mysterious deaths at Stangmoor Prison and discover that the Master is using an alien mind parasite in a plot to trigger a world war. THE CLAWS OF AXOS When the Axons arrive on Earth, offering to share the miracle of Axonite, only the Doctor is suspicious. The Axons are in league with the Master, and intend to devour the Earth's energy.
- Release date: 24 Oct 2018
- Product type: Partwork
- Age: 14+
- Binding: Perfect Bound
- Available for delivery to the following countries: United Kingdom, Gibraltar, Ireland
- Shipped from: UK