Marvel Platinum: The Definitive Captain America
During the dark days of the early 1940s, a covert military experiment transformed frail Steve Rogers into America's first Super-Soldier - Captain America. Throughout World War II, Cap fought against the threat of the Axis powers. In the closing months of the conflict, a freak stroke of fate threw Captain America into a state of suspended animation. Decades later, the Sentinel of Liberty was revived to find himself a man out of time in a world he never imagined - a world in dire need of Captain America. Collecting Captain America Comics #1, Avengers Vol. 1 #4, Tales of Suspense #80-81, Captain America Vol. 1 #143, 253, 254 and 255, Marvel Fanfare #18, Captain America Vol. 5 #25 and Captain America Vol. 1 #601
- Release date: 12 Jul 2011
- Product type: Graphic Novel
- Age: 12+
- Binding: Perfect Bound
- ISBN: 9781846534836
- Available for delivery to the following countries: United Kingdom, Gibraltar, Ireland
- Shipped from: UK